Whitetail Woods RV Park

435 S Old State Highway 51, Stillwater, OK, 74075

Welcome to Whitetail Woods RV Park! We are an RV Park that is located in the middle of a beautiful Pecan Orchard that overlooks a nice pond. We are less than a quarter mile from Highway 51 access and only 7 miles from the Oklahoma State University campus. We are on all paved roads for extremely easy travel, no beating the car up to stay with us. We offer both 30 and 50 amp connections at all campsites along with water, sewer, and trash disposal. Our camp has a storm shelter on site for your safety. Our vision is to promote a relaxed, quiet, country atmosphere for our guests.

Last Updated: 11/15/2024

Full Hookups 30/50 Amp

Full Hookups 30/50 Amp, Water, Sewer system connection at every site, Trash.

Options Starting Daily Starting Weekly Starting Monthly
30/50 amp $30.00 $150.00


CHECK IN/OUT: Check in/out is at 1pm. If for any reason this will not work for you please contact us! Failure to pay the bill or vacate the premises at the end of a paid term will result in towing of the vehicle at the guest's expense. ​ NOISE REGULATIONS: This park strictly enforces quiet hours between 10pm & 8am. This includes all unnecessary noise, please respect your neighbors. All children must be indoors by dark unless accompanied by an adult. Campers will be held responsible for their children and actions. SEPTIC/SEWER: This park is on a septic tank. The septic system will only handle human waste and water. DO NOT USE BLEACH!! Hygiene products should never be flushed. ​​ ABSOLUTELY NO MAJOR MECHANICAL WORK AT THE PARK! We understand general vehicle maintenance will happen from time to time and that is perfectly fine. We strive to keep our park as clean and sightly as possibly for everyone. CHILDREN: We absolutely allow and want children at our park. If you have children please never leave them unattended, we are not responsible for any accidents. If children make a mess it is your job to clean the mess up, no excuses.ALL CHILDREN must be accompanied by an adult at dark. PETS: Non aggressive pets are welcome at the park with proof of rabies shots. Pet owners are expected to dispose of any pet litter in a prompt manner. Pets fall under noise regulations and will not be allowed to be outside making noise while others try to sleep. Pets will also be treated humanely at our park. No animals should be tied up at any location in the park at any time! We are located in the country so there is plenty of room to take your pet for a proper walk. If an accident occurs with a pet the owner will claim full responsibility and the park will be held unaccountable.​ VISITORS: Visitors are welcome at our park any time. Please remember that guests need to park in an area that does not restrict other guests ability to navigate the park. You are responsible for your guests and their actions! PROBLEMATIC TENANTS: All problematic tenants will be asked to leave immediately or the Payne County Sheriffs Office will be called immediately to assist them. Respect your neighbors, they paid to be here just like you! GENERAL: We do not allow camp fires, junk around the camp, trash, etc. We have a dumpster in place and expect everyone in the park to place their trash in it. Long term guests are welcome as long as they keep a neat/clean camp. The park does not and will not insure any tenant for damages or losses while at the park. All grilling must be done with an actual grill and must follow current fire regulations/restrictions. All laws will be followed at the park including gun laws, no exceptions! ​

30 Amps

50 Amps

Dump Station

Paved Roads

Pets Allowed

RV Hookup

Sewer Hookups

Water Hookups

435 S Old State Highway 51, Stillwater, OK, 74075
Campground Location Click to open the map

What are some of the attractions around us?

Oklahoma State University is only 7 miles away! Watch Big 12 Football, Basketball, 34 Time National Championship Wrestling, Soccer, Tennis, Award Winning Golf & more! https://okstate.com/calendar.aspx

Lake Carl Blackwell & McMurty Lake offer world class Crappie and Hybrid Striper Fishing. The fishing is so good Fox Sports Southwest did a complete show on it! Have a look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIjVMAwj8Ps.


Looking to plan the week and like to cook? Visit The Pioneer Woman Mercantile in Pawhuska Oklahoma, It's only 90 minutes away!! https://www.themercantile.com/

Want to play Golf?

Karsten Creek, The home of the Oklahoma State Men's and Women's golf programs was named one of the best and most challenging courses in the country. https://www.karstencreek.com/Home.aspx

Cimarron Trails is a local favorite that is just 9 miles south of Stillwater and was featured in 2006 Golf Digest as "Best Places to Play". https://www.cimarrontrails.com/

Lakeside Memorial Golf Course is the local city course built back in 1945. Very reasonable rates and built for fun. http://stillwatergolf.org/

As you can see the area is teaming with amazing things to do, Come stay with us and take the road trip dreams are made of everyday!

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