Talona Ridge RV Resort

723 Highland Parkway, Ellijay, GA, 30536

While exploring East Ellijay, find surprises around every corner as you venture into hidden gems, valleys, rivers, trails, and the plethora of revived small town hubs that offer great food, wine, art and entertainment, thecounty in particular boasts some of the best wineries in the southeast. Talona Ridge RV resort offers up this destination of adventure with much more to do than a week's stay would allow for. You'll have to plan to return and push to new heights on your exploration calendar. Visit to see the lakes, play golf, crest the peaks and roll through the valleys and gaps of the southern end of the Appalachian Trail. The possibilities are without end!

Last Updated: 11/15/2024

723 Highland Parkway, Ellijay, GA, 30536
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