Papa Chubby's Lakeside Resort

(8) Reviews

9 Peacemaker Dr, Sunrise Beach, MO, 65079

Our RV Sites and Boat Docks are available for annual rentals exclusively. The listed daily, weekly, and monthly rates are just a reference to the equivalent cost per night, week, and month over the year. If you're interested in reserving an RV Site or Boat Dock, please reach out to us for more information and booking.

Last Updated: 03/12/2025


Options Starting Daily Starting Weekly Starting Monthly
Bikefest 2024
Cabins $140.00 $840.00
RV Sites

Options Starting Daily Starting Weekly Starting Monthly
Backloc Sites $7.67 $53.70 $233.96 See More
Lakefront Sites $8.49 $59.45 $258.33 See More
Boat Docks

Options Starting Daily Starting Weekly Starting Monthly
Boat Docks $6.02 $42.19 $183.33 See More

About Our RV sites and Boat Docks

Our RV Sites and Boat Docks are available for annual rentals exclusively. The listed daily, weekly, and monthly rates are just a reference to the equivalent cost per night, week, and month over the year. If you're interested in reserving an RV Site or Boat Dock, please reach out to us for more information and booking.

Please note that our restaurant is open five days a week, specifically from Wednesday through Sunday. We will go seven days when we get closer to Memorial Day Weekend.


Shall not permit any persons not listed in Appendix A to use the Leased Premises without someone listed on Appendix A present.

Children and Guests:

Children must obey the curfew of 11:00 P.M. and must be on their RV site or cabin or accompanied by an adult by 11:00 P.M. NO child may be left alone in the campground without a responsible adult supervising such child, additionally, for the children’s safety, no child will be allowed to ride bicycles after 9:00 P.M. Children are to play in their own yards unless authorized by other tenants. Children are not allowed on the boat docks unless accompanied by an adult. LESSEE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LESSEE’S CHILDREN AND GUESTS AT ALL TIMES. A child is defined as any person under the age of 18 years of age. Lessee is responsible for the actions and safety of the Lessee’ children and other children who are under Lessee’s care or who is a guest.


The Covered docks are for dock slip holders only. There is no sleeping allowed on the boats or boat docks. Jumping or diving off the boat docks is strictly prohibited.

Quiet hours:

Observed from 11:00 p.m. to 8:00 am. Please be considerate of others. All radios, stereos and other audio equipment must be turned off during this time. No loud music permitted at any time.


Must be attended at all times! All Campfires must be extinguished before going to sleep. Please be aware of Children playing near your fire, you’re responsible for maintaining a safe fire at all times. Flames may not exceed the top of one fire ring. No more than one fire ring per site is not allowed. During times of fire restriction, No Fires of any type are allowed during this time! Clean wood is the only thing allowed to be placed in your fire ring, no garbage or trash of any kind. (Clean wood available at the office for purchase).


Cans of any type are not allowed on or brought into the campground at any time for any reason.


Must be clean and well maintained in order to be accepted into the park. Lessee is responsible for maintaining weed control on the Leased Premises. All trash and debris must be bagged, tied and put up into a trash can with a lid, dumpsters are provided to all trash.


Are to be kept under control, on a leash and kept reasonably quiet at all times. Excessive barking will not be tolerated. You’re to clean up after your pet, no exceptions will be made. All pets must be walked in approved areas only. Pets are not allowed anywhere near the swim area, beach area, shower or laundry house. Pets must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times. Pets that are on the restricted pet list will not be permitted into the park for the safety of all visitors. No aggressive breeds.


Is prohibited in every area of the campground. Please remove all trash from your site and place it inside the garbage dumpster (bagged and tied) which is available before leaving your campsite. All trash must be in bags and tied before putting them into dumpsters.


The speed limit in the campground is 5 MPG failure to drive the speed limit will result in a possible forfeit of your camping privileges. Lessee is responsible for Leess’s guests to follow the speed limit.

Motorized Vehicles:

Must be street legal, registered and insured as defined by the department of motor vehicles. No minibikes, dirt bikes, go karts, gas scooters, ATV’s and loud golf carts are allowed on the property. Papa Chubby’s RV Resort is not responsible for damage, injuries or theft relating to motorized vehicles.

Golf Carts:

Are acceptable at Papa Chubby’s RV Resort LLC as long as such are operated in a responsible manner and by licensed driver only. Golf Carts must be operated on gravel or paved roadways only. Golf carts operated at dark must have working illuminated headlights and tail lights.


Only persons of the legal drinking age of 21 years old may consume alcoholic beverages on the premises.

Air conditioning:

You may not leave your air conditioner on when no one is on the leased premises for more than 24 hours. At this time electric meters are not installed on individual sites. This is subject to change with the progress of the resort. Failure to turn off your air conditioner when you’re away for more than 24 hours will result in a $100.00 fine per day. _________


Weapons, Fireworks, explosives, bow and arrows, sling shots, BB guns, compressed gas weapons, etc. are not allowed at any time for any reason on any of the property owned by Papa Chubby’s RV Resort LLC. We support the 1st amendment and will not restrict your right to carry a firearm as long as you’re a registered gun owner & have the necessary carry permits from the State of Missouri. Firearms are not allowed near or around the Restaurant, Papa Chubby’s Food & Booze LLC. The use of Electric insect killing devices, kerosene or electric heaters are not allowed within the park or on boat docks.


No construction will be allowed or performed without written permission of the Lessor. No nails, screws or any other items will not be attached to any trees or any property of the campgrounds. No digging, no free standing buildings or fencing will be allowed unless authorized by the Lessor.


Is allowed in the swimming area only. THERE IS NEVER A LIFEGUARD ON DUTY! Swim at your own risk.


Please observe the NO WAKE BUOYS. They’re located approx 100 yards from our boat docks.

20 Amps

30 Amps

50 Amps

Back-in RV Sites

Pets Allowed


Military (Active or Retired)

First Responders

9 Peacemaker Dr, Sunrise Beach, MO, 65079
Campground Location Click to open the map

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