Newton KOA

(2) Reviews

1601 E 36th Street S, Newton, IA, 50208

Are you looking for a campground in Newton, IA? Then Newton KOA located on 1601 E 36th Street S might be the place for you. The site includes electricity. It's open Apr 1 - Oct 31.
Last Updated: 11/15/2024

100 Amps

50 Amps

1601 E 36th Street S, Newton, IA, 50208
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Overall Rating:


Stacey J Dews avatar

Stacey J Dews


FHU 30/50 AMP, small campground. Built in the 70's so sites are very small and close together. Got my slides open but no extra room. Gravel sites, picnic table. Pretty level. Biggest issue its right off the highway; big rigs speeding all night! Difficult to sleep. - Review provided by RV Park Recommendations & Reviews Facebook Group

Stacey J Dews avatar

Stacey J Dews


FHU 30/50 AMP, small campground. Built in the 70's so sites are very small and close together. Got my slides open but no extra room. Gravel sites, picnic table. Pretty level. Biggest issue its right off the highway; big rigs speeding all night! Difficult to sleep. - Review provided by RV Park Recommendations & Reviews Facebook Group
