Howard Miller Steelhead County Park

52804 Rockport Park Road, Rockport, WA, 98283

Are you looking for a campground in Rockport, WA? Then Howard Miller Steelhead County Park located on 52804 Rockport Park Road might be the place for you. The site includes .

Last Updated: 11/15/2024

RV Sites

Options Starting Daily Starting Weekly Starting Monthly
ADA Site $29.00
Adirondacks $30.00
RV Site $30.00
Cabin Sites

Options Starting Daily Starting Weekly Starting Monthly
Cabin 1 $70.00
Cabin 2 $65.00
Tent Sites

Options Starting Daily Starting Weekly Starting Monthly
Tent $16.00

Vehicle Policy

Please observe and follow the speed limit of 5 mph within the park to ensure the safety of all park users. Park in designated areas only and please do not drive on the grass. Overnight Parking (Occupied) (Parking Lots) $12 Overnight Parking Unoccupied $5

Pet Policy

Pets are welcome. Please observe and follow rules. Keep dogs on leash (8 ft), pick up and dispose of waste, and do not allow them into the restrooms.

52804 Rockport Park Road, Rockport, WA, 98283
Campground Location Click to open the map

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