Holiday Acres Campground

591 Snake Hill Road, North Scituate, RI, 02857

Holiday Acres Campground is a campground located on 591 Snake Hill Road in North Scituate, - . The site includes .
Last Updated: 11/15/2024


Options Starting Daily Starting Weekly Starting Monthly
DOLL HOUSE or PRINCESS $50.00 $325.00
LOFT or WATMOUGH"S WAY $75.00 $500.00
Tent site

Options Starting Daily Starting Weekly Starting Monthly
Full hook up 30 amps $44.00 $260.00
Hook up 20 amps $40.00 $230.00
Water only $30.00 $155.00

591 Snake Hill Road, North Scituate, RI, 02857
Campground Location Click to open the map

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