Hemlock Hideaway

17621 Seclusion Lane, James Creek, PA, 16657

Hemlock Hideaway is a campground located on 17621 Seclusion Lane in james-creek, PA. The site includes laundry facilities.
Last Updated: 11/15/2024

Camper Site

Options Starting Daily Starting Weekly Starting Monthly
Camp Sites Rates $40.00 $200.00
Rental Campers $110.00 $610.00
Cabin Site

Options Starting Daily Starting Weekly Starting Monthly
Cabins #1 and #2 12' x 16'/4P $65.00 $340.00
Cabins #3, #5, #6 and #7 12' x 24'/6P w/loft $85.00 $460.00
Cabins #4 and #8 12' x 20'/4P $75.00 $400.00
Tent Site

Options Starting Daily Starting Weekly Starting Monthly
Primitive Site $25.00 $125.00

Dump Station

Laundry Facilities

17621 Seclusion Lane, James Creek, PA, 16657
Campground Location Click to open the map

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