Gold Point Ghost Town

HC 71 BOX 3003, Gold-point, NV, 89013

Here is the info on the B&B if you want to be staying in a piece of mining history. Accommodations We have 5 lovely Old Miner's Cabins, with 4 more under renovation. Each cabin has it's own decor and personality. Satellite Television & shower facility in the Main House. VCR Movies in Cabins Refrigerated Air Conditioning In All Cabins
Located on HC 71 BOX 3003 in gold-point, NV lies the Gold Point Ghost Town. This campground includes laundry facilities.
Last Updated: 11/15/2024

Cabin Site

Options Starting Daily Starting Weekly Starting Monthly
Radkie House Deluxe Cabin $160.00
Senator Wiley Home $190.00
Standard Cabin $120.00

Dump Station

Laundry Facilities

HC 71 BOX 3003, Gold-point, NV, 89013
Campground Location Click to open the map

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