One Click, Thousands of Connections with our Zapier integration

Why juggle tasks when you can let them flow?

With RoverPass and Zapier integrations, connect to 7,000+ apps effortlessly, no extra fees, just seamless automation. Let the magic happen!

Maximize Efficiency with
RoverPass + Zapier

Connect Your Favorite Apps

No exporting—manage it all with RoverPass

Automate Your Tasks

Save time by putting your workflow on autopilot

Effortless Setup

Easily sync everything, no tech skills required

Thousands of ways to automate and
simplify your workflow

Need a custom
workflow on Zapier?

If it’s not in our Zapier library, we’ll craft the perfectworkflow to fit your needs.

Enhance Guest Relations


Quickly rebook repeat guests;
ban unwelcome ones.


Automated confirmations, reminders, and payment requests.

Reservation Modification

Handle changes and pricing adjustments easily.

Self-service Cancellation

Guests can cancel directly without calling.

Live Chat

Instant guest communication via chat.

Endless ways to ease your everyday workload

The sky is the limit with our new integrations.

Mass email Communication
Mass SMS Communication
Task Automation for Staff
Bookkeeping Automation
Social Media Campaigns


Request Integration

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The All-In-One Caravan Park Reservation Software

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